Tuesday, March 31, 2009



The Garden Conservancy open days directory is out and the open days start April 3 & 4 in Pennsylvania and April 26 is the first showing in our area.

If you aren't familiar with the program " OPEN DAYS" is the brain child of the Garden conservancy, who headquarters is located in my back yard, Cold Springs, New York.

Started in 1995 the Open Days program unlocks private garden gates across the country, working with volunteers and garden owners to coordinate schedules. Many of the gardens are rarely, if ever open to the public. All the money goes to support the Garden conservancy efforts to preserve exceptional American gardens for public education and enjoyment.
Visit the website: www.gardenconservancy.org
I love there easy going, user friendly organization as you can choose just to visit one garden and pay at the door, you can become a member and pre-buy tickets, you can purchase a directory which I love, or just visit the website.


I have to admit I'm a gardening book fanatic, having hundreds of garden books on ever topic from design to pruning. With all the talk of being green, I thought one of the ways to recycle is to re-read a gardening book that has been on your shelf for a while.

I brought down from a shelf one of my favorites, Garden Style by Penelope Hobhouse. There was a piece about her in my latest edition of GARDEN'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE (the Vogue of all garden magazines) and it reminded me of her great contributions and the many books I have written by her.

Reading her book again, after many years reminded my of why I love all things garden related, and she has a terrific way of outlining garden style history and people that really have made a major contribution. It's also interesting because since my first read, I have traveled and seen some of the gardens she speaks about which really makes it all more relevant.

So try recycled your reading, its free...and it might just spark a new fire..!

Here are some of my old favorites, not sure if they all are still in print. Try the public library if your old books can't get your going.

Gardens of Persia
Author Penelope Hobhouse

Penelope Hobhouses, Gardening though the Ages
Author Penelope Hobhouse

David Hicks My Kind of Garden
Author Ashley Hicks

Garden and Climate
Author Chip Sullivan
Color by design
Author Nori and Sandra Pope

Outdoor furnishing resources

  • Avant Garden: Antiques avantgardenltd.com
  • Barlow Tyrie: Retail www.teak.com
  • Casamdiy: Trade: www.casamidy.com
  • designlush: Modern incrediable outdoor furniture
  • Elemental Garden: Antiques www.theelementalgarden.com
  • Fleur: Antiques: www.fleur.com
  • Gloster: Trade/Retail www.Gloster.com
  • http://www.munder-skiles.com/
  • Janus et Cie: Trade www. janusetcie.com
  • Judith Milne: Antiques www.milneantiques.com
  • Kingsley-Bate, Ltd.
  • Restoration Hardware: Retail www.restorationhardware.com
  • Walters Wicker: Trade www.walterswicker.com